Management > Additional Services

Additional Services

In addition to its management consultancy role, Activation Analysis Group Inc. (AAGI):

  • Provides management services to the boards of several small organizations
  • Provides office space for the personnel of other small organizations


Gate Communications: AAGI manages Gate Communications, a business providing graphic design, web development and advertising services. Among its projects, Gate publishes a liquor trade periodical entitled Vendor Magazine (link)

Capital Region Assessment Services Commission (CRASC): AAGI handles the administration of the services provided by independent assessors.

From 1993 through 2008, Activation Analysis Group Inc. (AAGI) also managed the Alberta Liquor Store Association.
The associated responsibilities for this organization included:

  • all executive and financial reporting to the Board of Directors
  • membership recruitment, support, newsletters, group-buy services, and education on responsible retailing
  • support for Board’s advocacy initiatives
  • event management (e.g., chapter meetings, semi-annual conferences, golf tournaments)